Monday, May 23, 2011


Little Eyes  
   There are little eyes upon you 
   And they're watching night and day. 
   There are little ears that quickly 
   Take in every word you say. 
   There are little hands all eager 
   To do anything you do; 
   And a little girl who's dreaming 
   Of the day she'll be like you. 
   You're the little angel's idol; 
   You're the wisest of the wise. 
   In her little mind about you 
   No suspicions ever rise. 
   She believes in you devoutly, 
   Holds all you say and do; 
   She will say and do, in your way 
   When she's grown up just like you. 
   There's a wide-eyed little girl 
   Who believes you're always right; 
   And her eyes are always open, 
   And she watches day and night. 
   You are setting an example 
   Every day in all you do; 
   For the little girl who's waiting 
   To grow up to be like you. 
   Author unknown



""Children Learn By Doing, and Play Is Their Work""
Author: Unknown

Kids go where there is excitement. They stay where there is love

Author:  Zig Ziglar

Memories of my childhood play time……
My playtime as a child was spent with my aunts and uncles.  I was the only child.  I remember participating in pretend play and Dramatic play. I would dress up like my mom by putting on her high heel shoes and lipstick.   I would also pretend to have a tea party with my dolls and other stuffed animals. My uncles and aunt would pretend to be whatever I wanted them to be.  I remember I would love for my uncle to pretend he was a horse (down on his hands and knees), I would get on his back and enjoy the fun.

Play today is different from the play in which you engaged as a child:
Children of this generation do not get to engage in pretend play as I did as a child.  There are too many electronic games and children are confined to the couch, sitting down in front of a television.  As a child, most of my time was spent outside with family and friends playing “hide and go seek” hopscotch, playing baseball, etc….