Save the Children has been working in Japan for 25 years. In the immediate aftermath of the disaster, Save the Children deployed emergency response teams to assess the needs of children and their families.
Save the Children’s efforts are focused on:
• Expanding child protection activities that our staff in the badly damaged city of Sendai have already initiated, with our disaster-tested Child-Friendly Spaces program as the key response;
• Providing non-food relief items to families;
• Supplying children with “back-to-school” kits of materials;
• Initiating a school-based psychosocial support program for children, their parents and other childcare providers to build resilience and coping;
• Supporting local and national groups working to help children and families recover over the longer term, with special emphasis on supporting groups addressing educational and childcare
needs; and
• Advocacy to help ensure that the needs of Japan’s children are included in emergency reparedness planning at the prefecture and national levels.